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Injury at Work

Scotland Claims can assist you if you have been injured at work due to an accident in the workplace. This could be as a result of faulty equipment or insufficient/non training or a failure in Health and Safety Regulations. It may be that your injury at work is a result of continual exposure to incorrect working procedures. You have 3 years from the time that the injury occurred, or the disability is diagnosed, to pursue your right to claim. If you are still employed with the employer, don't be afraid of claiming. Your employer will be insured against you pursuing such a claim for which you are legally entitled to do. Your employer has a duty of care to protect you during your employment.

Don't forget... Using Scotland Claims for a straight forward claim, you are Automatically GUARANTEED to KEEP (*)100% COMPENSATION! No Win No Fee! If you WIN, we take (*)NO FEE from your Compensation (See our example below...)

Common Misconceptions of Claiming after an Injury/Accident at work...

Legally you cannot be dismissed after an accident at work simply because you have made, or are thinking about making a personal injury at work claim. If your employer attempts to do so then you are likely to be able to make a successful claim for unfair dismissal.

At Scotland Claims, our accident claims lawyers regularly secure financial compensation from employers who have failed to protect their employees from the accidents at work. The workplace can be a dangerous environment to work in, particularly when there is a need to use machinery on a daily basis, such as in garages, factories, processing plants and warehouses. If not used properly, these kinds of machines can inflict a great deal of harm on the employees tasked with operating them.

Workplace Accident Claims

Most machines, if not used properly, can present a danger to those using them. The same can also be said for machinery that is not properly maintained, and for which appropriate safety measures for use have not been implemented. Individuals who work with machinery should be given comprehensive guidance and training on how to use it, so that they can do their job without compromising their safety. Furthermore, they should also be given the necessary clothing to use equipment. This legal obligation, which employers owe to their employees, covers a variety of situations:

  • If you work in the construction industry and are regularly involved in using drills and metal saws, you should be given instruction on how to use these safely. You should also be provided with eye guards, helmets and overalls to protect your skin against hot sparks or debris from causing you injury;
  • Your place of work may well be in a factory, where you are expected to work with powerful machinery that manufactures, packages or sorts different types of goods. You should be given proper training on how the machine works, and how you should go about your duties and use the machine, without increasing the risk that you will be injured. Moreover it is not uncommon for processing machines to malfunction from time-to-time. You should be given some indication of the process of making the machine safe and how any fault should be brought to your employer's attention;
  • You may work in a garage, requiring you to use powerful lifts to investigate fails to cars. You should be given direction on how best to secure cars onto the lifts, so to avoid the risk of it destabilising when raised off the floor. The same is also true for investigating the mechanics of the car itself: you should be shown how to do so safely, using the correct equipment, so as not to cause unnecessary injury to yourself.
  • You must understand that it is your employer's responsibility to ensure that you understand how to use equipment in fulfilment of your duties. While it may not be possible for them to completely remove the risk of injury altogether, they must make a reasonable attempt to provide you with training on how to use the equipment, and ensure that it is fitted with appropriate safety guards to reduce the likelihood of your being injured while using it.

At Scotland Claims, we regularly work with clients who have been asked to work with machines that they have not been fully trained on how to use, or equipment that is missing safety guards or has been modified without updated safety provisions being installed. These kinds of things all increase the risk of injury, and your employer (or in most cases, your employer's insurer) may be responsible for compensating you if your injury is a result of their neglecting to guide you in operating such equipment safely.

(*)100% Compensation. No Win No Fee

Example: For a Moderate Whiplash Injury compensation claim that was awarded £12,000 as settlement, using a (*)100% Compensation Solicitor like Scotland Claims, you would receive £12,000. Using some of the other big brand Solicitors that charge you 25% of your compensation on top of their success fee, you would receive just £8,400. That's £3,600 LESS!! That's a decent new used car you've just given away for absolutely no reason. (£12,000 - 25% = £3,000 * VAT = £3,600).

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Scotland Claims is a trading style of Kerr Brown Solicitors which is authorised and regulated by the Law Society of Scotland. Design/SEO Joshordan Software Ltd.

(*) For straight forward claims, you will receive 100% Compensation. For Complex claims, you will incur a maximum fee of 15% + VAT. This will be discussed with you.